Stephen King's Children of the Corn (1984) is based on a short story by the same name. This film directed by Fritz Kiersch really doesn't adapt the story. That had been done ealier in a short episode. But it takes some parts fot the story and fills it out to overlong lengths. Narrator Job (Robby Kiger) retells how Gatlin becomes ensnared by demonic forces as a boy preacher named Isaac (John Franklin), leads a rising up of the children against all grown-ups.
A few years pass and Job and his sister, Sarah (Ammemarie McEvoy) try to help their friend, Joseph (Jonas Marlowe) escape through the cornfields of Gatlin. No spoiling that the kid doesn't make it. The story then brings in unsuspecting doctor, Burt Stanton (Peter Horton), and Vicky Baxter (Linda Hamilton), his girlfriend as they discover Joseph's dead body.
They are warned not to go into Gatlin but do so anyway and are soon hunted by the children. (They have to continually sacrifice people to a "Corn" God or He Who Walks Behind the Rows.) The ending is spectacular but takes sometime to get there. Followed by endless, atrocious sequels.
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