Sunday, July 13, 2014

THE REVOLUTION ... NOT!!!! Matrix Revolutions (2003) BOMB/*

All right! This is it! Now you all know me, so I'm gonna say this as simply as I can. If it's our time to die, it's our time. All I ask is, if we have to give these bastards our lives... WE GIVE 'EM HELL BEFORE WE DO!


Even as not-to-bright directors, the Wachowski Brothers truly stink up their last installment. Granted, there's not much left to ruin since Reloaded pretty much exhausted every trick produced in the first film. Still even as bad films go, this one really seems to strive for nothingness.

The film can't even seem to wait to jump the shark as Neo is knocked around easily by a new character called the Trainman who is able to do this ... because?!? Even going through the rest of the plot is pointless because no one cares. There is virtually no real plot in any case since the action centers on Neo's willingess to sacrifice himself and since he is - there's not much tension. Even more atrocious is the breaking of "rules" in this movie where Neo is God one minute ... then powerless ... then ...

In any case, the major league fight at the end is meaningless since both Smith and Neo are so powerful. And, by now, any pretense to real philosophy has been or was drowned in endless advertisements and tie-ins. The original itself was never that good or even inspiring. But, at least, it had some (derived) style and vision. This is just a clunky, overlong mess that as Mifune's "dialogue" seems to signal gave up a long time ago. A disappointing effort all-round.


TIME: 130 minutes

GENRE: Science Fiction

STARRING: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, and Jada Pinkett-Smith

DIRECTORS / WRITERS: The Wachowski Brothers

PRODUCERS: Joel Silver

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski, Grant Hill, Andrew Mason, and Bruce Berman


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