Sunday, July 13, 2014

THE TOP OF THE WORST Battlefield Earth (2000) BOMB BOMB BOMB

John Travolta's Battlefield Earth is unforgivable on so many levels it's hard to know where to begin. It is meant to be - first or foremost (seriously) - a propaganda film FOR L. Ron and the Scientology cult/religion Travolta is a part of. One's religious or political views are certainly legitimate. But Travlota just isn't in the same league as Spike Lee, Oliver Stone, or even Lucas. It's even pointless to bother with plot synopsis. Essentially, this is an overblown slaves-rebel-against-the-empire-analogy films. Since slavery and genocide are serious subjects its beyond atrocious how badly they are utilized here. The costumes are bad and stupid. The plot keeps generating so logical holes one thinks an algorithm was programmed to INTENTIONALLY make the film unwatchable. And the characters are all so cardboard, wooden, and unsympathetic it's hard to root for any side. Even as camp this film fails miserably. It takes itself far too seriously but then even its comic moments are done badly too. The director(s??) and writer(s??) J.D. Shapiro can't be blamed since Travolta FORCED the studio to do the project. His career took a severe body-blow - and he DESERVES it. Trash beyond trash. Makes Showgirls into Casablanca by comparison. Recommended solely to laugh at and even then it's hard going. Sometimes the Razzies get it wrong but this time ... not enough bad things to say about this particular pic.

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